The answer to old age is to keep one's mind busy and to go on with one's life...
We pay when old for the excesses of youth.
In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us.
The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older...
No man is ever old enough to know better.
Middle age is youth without levity and age without decay.
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with...
We should so provide for old age that it may have no urgent wants of this...
Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he...
I don't want to fight aging I want to take good care of myself but plastic...
Oh rage! Oh despair! Oh age my enemy!
If you haven't turned rebel by twenty you've got no heart if you haven't...
No one can avoid aging but aging productively is something else.
Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a man.
To resist the frigidity of old age one must combine the body the mind and...
While one finds company in himself and his pursuits he cannot feel old no...
Old age is a shipwreck.
People are starting to go on about my weight but I'm not going to change my size because they don't like the way I look.