Search For replace In Quotes 79

No sane local official who has hung up an empty stocking over the municipal fireplace is going to shoot Santa Claus just before a hard Christmas.

Now I'm an old Christmas tree the roots of which have died. They just come along and while the little needles fall off me replace them with medallions.

I find in working always the disturbing intrusion of elements not a part of my most interested vision and the inevitable obliteration and replacement of this vision by the work itself as it proceeds.

Reclaiming the word 'fat' was the most empowering step in my progress. I stopped using it for insult or degradation and instead replaced it with truth because the truth is that I am fat and that's ok. So now when someone calls me fat I agree whereas before I would get embarrassed and emotional.

Occasionally I find a travel book that is both illuminating and entertaining where vivid writing and research replace self-indulgence and sloppy prose.

Stop relying only on technology.Technology can help the qualified well-trained human being but cannot replace him.

The over-all point is that new technology will not necessarily replace old technology but it will date it. By definition. Eventually it will replace it. But it's like people who had black-and-white TVs when color came out. They eventually decided whether or not the new technology was worth the investment.

The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests.

We need to develop and disseminate an entirely new paradigm and practice of collaboration that supersedes the traditional silos that have divided governments philanthropies and private enterprises for decades and replace it with networks of partnerships working together to create a globally prosperous society.

A second reason why science cannot replace judgement is the behavior of financial markets.

Now I'll read anytime anywhere. I love reading in front of the space heater. Isn't that a sad confession? But it's like my substitute for the roaring fireplace of yore.

I think one of the downsides of the sort of obsession with romantic love and personal fulfillment is that the plain fact of the matter is that those feelings don't last for ever and so they better be replaced and reinforced by things that do.

The humanists' replacement for religion: work really hard and somehow you'll either save yourself or you'll be immortal. Of course that's a total joke and our progress is nothing. There may be progress in technology but there's no ethical progress whatsoever.

With Hitchcock I had little relationship. I was called to replace Bernard Herrmann his favorite composer in Torn Curtain after the bitter fight between them.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones you'll start having positive results.

Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery. The politician will be only too happy to abdicate in favor of his image because the image will be much more powerful than he could ever be.

We live in a world in which politics has replaced philosophy.