My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems give me work give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.
It's like this - because I travel so much I crave certain foods or certain things like from certain places that I've been.
Since narcissism is fueled by a greater need to be admired than to be liked psychologists might use that fact as a therapeutic lever - stressing to patients that being known as a narcissist will actually cause them to lose the respect and social status they crave.
Peace of mind for five minutes that's what I crave.
I crave working on those small independent movies because I love going to see those myself.
Crave for a thing you will get it. Renounce the craving the object will follow you by itself.
I was the first in my peer group to get pregnant. All I craved was reassurance. I needed someone to tell me that all the seemingly random symptoms I had - weird things such as excess saliva - were normal. And I was worried because I wasn't getting any morning sickness.
I never really drank coffee in college but now I'm on my feet all day and out all night and can't believe it hasn't always been in my life. When morning comes I crave it.
I've never had siblings I didn't grow up in a big family it was just me and my single mom. And hectic family dysfunction was actually something that I craved.
Basically I was a rebel growing up. I got kicked out of six schools. But I don't think that it makes you less of an intellect. You know if you ever crave knowledge there's always a library.
Knowledge is like money: the more he gets the more he craves.
I love coming home to Melbourne. The first thing I do is have a coffee. It's just so much better here than anywhere else. It's better than in Italy and I travel a lot. I crave it.
Human beings crave freedom at their core.
If you're working out and taking care of your body you don't really want the greasy food that makes you feel tired or blah. You actually crave the good stuff!
Actually if I don't eat healthy food I don't feel good. For me I crave healthy food.
I can celebrate food anytime. I love cheese. When I crave a certain food I just eat it.
I just don't crave junk food.