As grateful as we are for all the work the community health centers do it is also important that we recognize that they cannot solve the health care crisis facing our Nation by themselves.
Community health centers do a great deal with limited resources. They provide critical medical care services to many who would otherwise have no other place to go or would end up in an emergency room.
Each and every day health centers provide high-quality primary and preventive care to our constituents.
In Illinois community migrant homeless and public housing health centers operate 268 primary care sites and serve close to 1 million patients every year.
We need a vibrant Medicaid program and strategies to expand affordable access to health care for all especially for the specialty care services that community health centers do not provide.
That the AIDS pandemic is threatening sustainable development in Africa only reinforces the reality that health is at the center of sustainable development.
The national debate on health care once centered on improving access to quality care yet the effect of Obamacare will be the exact opposite resulting in the shameful degradation of care for the neediest individuals.
Look if you have somebody who doesn't have health insurance who doesn't have a doctor or dentist and in order to deal with their cold or flu or dental problem they go to an emergency room - in general that visit will cost ten times more than walking into a community health center.
Citizens must pressure the American Hospital Association the American Public Health Association the Centers for Disease Control and other relevant governmental agencies to make greening our hospitals and medical centers a top priority so that they themselves don't create even more illness.
Women's health needs to be front and center - it often isn't but it needs to be.
Hollywood is a cross between a health farm a recreation center and an insane asylum. It's a company town and I happen to like the company!
According to the Privacy Rights Center up to 10 million Americans are victims of ID theft each year. They have a right to be notified when their most sensitive health data is stolen.
You believe happiness to be derived from the place in which once you have been happy but in truth it is centered in ourselves.
Whatever you may think of the proposed mosque and community center lost in the heat of the debate has been a basic question: Should government attempt to deny private citizens the right to build a house of worship on private property based on their particular religion?
While it is true that we must seek value added industries like food processing plants and call center operations we must do what is necessary to expand and develop our economic profile.
I grew up in a food-obsessed Italian family so food was always front and center in my life. I was a food obsessed person who morphed into a comedian and tried to figure out a way to make fun of my cake and eat it too.
The average housewife goes to the restaurant to relax and enjoy the food. But when Eva walks in she becomes the center of attention.