Search For divers In Quotes 87

We're a diverse society and I think the TV is doing a great job in showing that we're all human beings that we can all get along that we can all be together and I think that's a marvelous thing.

The diversity in the faculties of men from which the rights of property originate is not less an insuperable obstacle to an uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the first object of government.

Our nation is too different too diverse to say that what works in Massachusetts is somehow going to be grabbed by the federal government usurping the power of states and imposing a one-size-fits-all plan on the nation. That will not work.

That future depends on the values of self-government our sense of duty loyalty self-confidence and regard for the common good. We are a diverse country and getting more diverse. And these virtues are what keep this great country together.

Armageddon is not around the corner. This is only what the people of violence want us to believe. The complexity and diversity of the world is the hope for the future.

The freedom of thought is a sacred right of every individual man and diversity will continue to increase with the progress refinement and differentiation of the human intellect.

Ultimately America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.

Taste is developed by the diversity of the products one can sample. I think our children today may be missing an education about food. We must teach them to know their cuisine and to know the equilibrium of nourishment. That is very important for health.

I like to eat and I love the diversity of foods.

Small- and medium-sized businesses need access to a diverse range of finance options including non-bank lending. These new forms of finance are still small in scale today but they should over time bring additional choice and greater competition to the lending market.

One person may need (or want) more leisure another more work one more adventure another more security and so on. It is this diversity that makes a country indeed a state a city a church or a family healthy. 'One-size-fits-all ' and that size determined by the State has a name and that name is 'slavery.'

Syria should not belong to one family to one coterie or to one party. It belongs to all the people of Syria equally in all their religious and ethnic diversity.

The left dismisses talk about the collapse of family life and talks instead about the emergence of the growing new diversity of family types.

The historical orthodox Christian faith is extremely wide and diverse.

There are divers men who make a great show of loyalty and pretend to such discretion in the hidden things they hear that at the end folk come to put faith in them.

There are more effective ways of tackling environmental problems including global warming proliferation of plastics urban sprawl and the loss of biodiversity than by treaties top-down regulations and other approaches offered by big governments and their dependents.

The United States government first learned of the diversion of the W-88 nuclear warhead design in late 1995.