From a religious point of view if God had thought homosexuality is a sin he would not have created gay people.
If you have an issue with homosexuality then it comes to your own fear and your own darkness.
In itself homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man either a human being without feeling fear restraint or obligation.
I'm not asking that people accept homosexuality. I'm not asking that they believe like I do that it's inborn. I'm not asking that. All I'm saying is don't let these children suffer without a family because of your bias.
We will see a breakdown of the family and family values if we decide to approve same-sex marriage and if we decide to establish homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle with all the benefits that go with equating it with the heterosexual lifestyle.
Be strong believe in freedom and in God love yourself understand your sexuality have a sense of humor masturbate don't judge people by their religion color or sexual habits love life and your family.
I accept people for who they are and love them. That doesn't mean I have to agree or that I have to turn my back on the tenets of my faith and reject the tenets of my faith when it comes to homosexuality.
No relief was forthcoming from my then-Catholic faith which said the practice of homosexuality was a 'mortal sin' subject to damnation.
And I think my sexuality was heavily repressed by the church by the you know the design of the mortal sins.
All women do have a different sense of sexuality or sense of fun or sense of like what's sexy or cool or tough.
I think change is possible but only for individuals who were never truly gay in the first place and who have a strong personal motivation to recover their heterosexuality.
This film business perhaps more so in America than in Europe has always been about young sexuality. It's not true of theatre but in America film audiences are young. It's not an intellectual cinema in America.
I feel by posing for Playboy I've discovered my own sexuality and beauty and I feel more confident than ever.
It's not fair the emphasis put on beauty or on sexuality.
A lot of directors idealize their leading ladies or turn them into these objects of sexuality and beauty.
Muslims have a very bad attitude to homosexuality they're very intolerant.
I think people feel threatened by homosexuality. The problem isn't about gay people the problem is about the attitude towards gay people. People think that all gays are Hannibal Lecters. But gay people are sons and daughters politicians and doctors American heroes and daughters of American heroes.