When I was five my parents bought me a ukulele for Christmas. I quickly learned how to play it with my father's guidance. Thereafter my father regularly taught me all the good old fashioned songs.
Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do the work.
It's definitely a dream come true to be recognized and to be able to sign autographs. But it's also a lot of hard work and can be draining. If you don't know already you will quickly learn who your real friends are.
I love to wear lingerie. The problem is that men always rip it off too quickly. When women are dolled up in lingerie they feel sexy. So let us wear it for five minutes.
Make women rational creatures and free citizens and they will quickly become good wives - that is if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers.
After I had the Caesarean I was told I had really strong stomach muscles and so would heal very quickly. And I did. I was up walking about within three hours. Six days after having her I was out shopping and shortly after that I made it to David Walliams' wedding.
The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.
In fact men will fight for a superstition quite as quickly as for a living truth - often more so since a superstition is so intangible you cannot get at it to refute it but truth is a point of view and so is changeable.
Trust me I'm going to find out where the money has gone and how it has been spent and see if we can't get it down there quicker to let that rebuilding start.
But today we become aware of other readings of the human experience very quickly because of the media and the speed with which people travel the planet.
Each day as I travel through downtown Tucson I am amazed at how quickly the most ancient of human behaviors have changed. For as long as there have been Homo sapiens - roughly 200 000 years - people have filled their lives principally with two activities: talking directly with other people and doing physical things.
There's much to be said for feeling numb. Time passes more quickly. You eat less and because numbness encourages laziness you do fewer things good or bad and the world's probably a better place for it.
It is even better to act quickly and err than to hesitate until the time of action is past.
Before my teen years I was losing my hearing pretty quickly and I was getting very very angry. I was beginning to become an angry person because of that.
You can't stop technology or science and it is snowballing quicker than ever. Something's got to come to a head. How? Who knows? But it will.
At a minimum the majority of search dollars will flow to a social media model because people care most about what their peers think and the technology is there for that information to be quickly shared on products and services.
School districts in the US don't adopt technology very quickly.