I have always been willing to admit when I made a mistake. I made a mistake in my understanding of the composition of the Contras not on my opposition to the Contra war.
I have run large organizations I know what it takes to create a healthy business climate and I have more experience than Jerry Brown doing that. So it'll be a stark contrast a career politician vs. someone who has met a payroll gotten a return on investment knows how to use technology to do more with less.
There are dark shadows on the earth but its lights are stronger in the contrast.
As a means of contrast with the sublime the grotesque is in our view the richest source that nature can offer.
I often begin movies with music in my head it's a very important dimension to me. Not just the music itself but how to use music in film: when and how and subtlety. I don't like to be too sweet in my stories and I like the abrasive clang the contrasting of sounds and cultures.
I'm fascinated by the journey that an intelligent and an ambitious woman makes in the professional world in contrast to the journey that a man of similar ambition of similar intelligence makes. What sort of concessions does a woman have to make? Does she have to work 20 percent harder than a man?
What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
For many in baseball September is a month of stark contrast with April when everyone had dared to hope. If baseball is a lot like life as pundits declare it is because life is more about losing than winning.
The contrasts between what is spent today to educate a child in the poorest New York City neighborhoods where teacher salaries are often even lower than the city averages and spending levels in the wealthiest suburban areas are daunting challenges to any hope New Yorkers might retain that even semblances of fairness still prevail.
In sharp contrast to the idea that this stage of life is enviable we hear high levels of anxiety about getting old anxieties about health mobility access to facilities simple routine care and attention.
Experienced happiness refers to your feelings to how happy you are as you live your life. In contrast the satisfaction of the remembering self refers to your feelings when you think about your life.
The little may contrast with the great in painting but cannot be said to be contrary to it. Oppositions of colors contrast but there are also colors contrary to each other that is which produce an ill effect because they shock the eye when brought very near it.
The Israeli government has proved over the past year its commitment to peace both in words and deeds. By contrast the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years.
So far as discipline is concerned freedom means not its absence but the use of higher and more rational forms as contrasted with those that are lower or less rational.
In contrast fear societies are societies in which dissent is banned.
Science we are repeatedly told is the most reliable form of knowledge about the world because it is based on testable hypotheses. Religion by contrast is based on faith. The term 'doubting Thomas' well illustrates the difference.
I think our failure in the production of good town churches of distinctive character must have struck you often as it has me when contrasted with our comparative success in country churches.