The Supreme Court ruled that disabled golfer Casey Martin has a legal right...
You just have to keep trying to do good work and hope that it leads to more...
Our culture is just a series of checks and balances. The whole idea that...
If the events of September 11 2001 have proven anything it's that the...
I've always liked Atlanta. And not just for the strip clubs but the shopping...
I'm not just a boy toy. I have feelings and dreams like anybody else.
McVeigh's lawyer got him the death penalty which quite frankly I could...
The seven marvels that best represent man's achievements over the last 2 000...
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you...
I have nothing against turkey. We eat turkey for Thanksgiving in my house.
In our family mom and dad are Longhorns our first two kids are Aggies and...
I think I'm going to give my baby her first food on Thanksgiving make her...
Something I didn't even know was on my bucket list has been achieved. I have...
I've spent a lot of Thanksgivings on the road with my band so anytime that I...
The craft Emmys are kind of the kids' table at Thanksgiving. You're not...