We're constantly buying airplane tickets we travel on the Concorde.
History is the key to everything: politics religion even fashion.
I put my money in the bank: I have to think of life after modeling when I'm...
But I also like to shower my parents with presents. I bought them a beautiful...
Italian men do appreciate beautiful women. They're not afraid of the beauty...
I love photo sessions. I'm alone I'm the queen everyone's taking care of me.
If cooking becomes an art form rather than a means of providing a reasonable...
My soul is dark with stormy riot: directly traced over to diet.
This cream will help one's nature strengthen and grow The diet gives support...
'The 17 Day Diet' keeps your body and metabolism guessing. I call this 'body...
I dream about 'Cheers.' Like when you go on a diet and you dream of pizza. I...
If you think of exercise as a 60-minute commitment 3 times a week at the gym...
If I could give one tip for people - it's not an exercise or nutrition...
The vegan diet is obviously lacking whatever essential nutrient it is that...
The more I read and watched about the meat industry the more determined I...
The over-all point is that new technology will not necessarily replace old technology but it will date it. By definition. Eventually it will replace it. But it's like people who had black-and-white TVs when color came out. They eventually decided whether or not the new technology was worth the investment.