I'm reading a lot of different books but I always think I have to switch it...
I grew up in a predominantly Caucasian neighborhood but my mom is...
In high school I was an outcast... I wasn't cool to hang out with. I ate my...
We all have to find beauty within us as opposed to just our exterior.
My daily beauty regimen is definitely always in the mornings and at night...
With fitness I do Bikrams hot yoga. The gym that I have in my building is...
I was dating my first boyfriend in high school for a long time and we broke...
After I finished high school I went to Hong Kong and Thailand and spent some...
I feel so good after a workout. Any time you can be alone with yourself is...
I never had a cool older brother or sister to turn me on to cool music. I had...
Film and television are just different. Film is cool because it's a complete...
I'm in a comic book now. That was cool. That's something that I'm still sorta...
I thought that 'Twilight' would be a kind of girl movie but it was cool.
Definitely River Phoenix is somebody that I thought 'This guy is very cool.'...
Internet mailing lists are like Fox television shows. They have really cool...
I was raised to believe in myself. I know I'm cool. I'm not trying to brag or...
When I was in school I read a lot of comic books and pretend I was in them...
I hated the idea of a high school sweetheart. Growing up oh my God it just...
The cool thing about working and meeting a lot of people through your acting...