The productivity now at universities is terrible. Tenure is a terrible idea....
You've got to eat while you dream. You've got to deliver on short-range...
I've learned that mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success.
I actually think that the economy has got some positives. It's got the...
What's important at the grocery store is just as important in engines or...
In order to lead a country or a company you've got to get everybody on the...
If GE's strategy of investment in China is wrong it represents a loss of a...
If you don't have public hangings for bad culture in a company if you don't...
Number one cash is king... number two communicate... number three buy or...
Today computers help us making the music. It's really a tool.
The big question society will have to answer is whether it wants computers...
There's my education in computers right there this is the whole thing...
I actually use a computer a lot. I have three computers that I use on a...
There has never been an unexpectedly short debugging period in the history of...
When the first computers started to come in we tried to digitalize the...
So the thing I realized rather gradually - I must say starting about 20 years...
Well I had a lot of help from my father with the soldering and so on and he...